St. Matthew’s Good News – 3/18/2022

A Word From Father Tom

The contrasts that we experience often make life so much more enjoyable. Do you have memories of coming in from the freezing cold and being handed a hot cup of of soup or coffee, relishing the warmth as it made its way into your shivering body? How about those times where you exerted yourself physically on a hot day, amazed at how wonderful the fresh drink of cold water tasted when you finally found a water source?

As a Parish Family, we are less than a month away from Holy Week. Our celebrations during this week serve as a hinge between the austerity and penitence of Lent and the hope and celebration of Easter. Holy Week is all about creating and encouraging contrasts.
The first and most important spiritual discipline in any Christian’s life (you will hear this repeatedly over the years from me), is our weekly, Sunday Morning Worship. Every Mass on every Sunday, is a celebration of Easter anew (this is why in Lent, we break our fasting on Sundays). While engaging Lent is a discipline, Holy Week is a special opportunity for spiritual discipline which can challenge and bless us if we engage it. But it takes prioritization and effort. We are offered these opportunities for spiritual growth and renewal every year by our Historic, catholic, forbearers. But to experience both the significance and pleasure of the contrasts of Lent with Easter, we must engage the humility, darkness, and discipline first. The Joy, Light, and Feasting will come, but these often become mundane and rote with out the work of renewal and the seeking of our God.

Will you prioritize the below services and their special focus for worship, this year? I believe you will be blessed if you do.

Father Tom

Upcoming Schedule
Holy Week

  • Palm Sunday, April 10th – One Service at 9:30 AM (meeting 10 minutes early outside and in front of the church for the Procession of the Palms – or in the Fireplace Hallway if the weather is inclement).
  • Maundy Thursday, April 14th – 6:00 PM
  • Good Friday, Stations of the Cross Service, April 15th – Noon
  • Good Friday Service, April 15th – 6:00 PM
  • Easter Vigil Service, Saturday, April 16th – 7:00 PM
  • Easter Sunday Service, April 17the – 10:00 AM

Sunday School Class – The Psalms (Eric Teoro, teaching)

The class regularly meets between worship services (9:00 to 9:45 a.m.) in Parish Hall. Come join us!

Documents of Interest

To Mask Or Not To Mask?

We are lifting the mask requirement in every facet of our ministry life, at this time (please pray that this becomes a permanent reality!). We welcome anyone who desires to wear a mask in smaller settings or during Mass to do so. We would also ask everyone to continue to stay aware of distancing (especially with those wearing a mask). If you are revealing strong symptoms related to COVID19 please stay home.

Midwest Food Bank Gala and Auction

On Saturday, April 2nd, Midwest Food Bank will hold its annual Gala and auction. This is the Food Bank’s major fundraiser for the year and will be held at the Food Bank’s warehouse located at 2031 Warehouse Road in Normal. Tickets are $75/person. Appetizers will start at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:00 p.m., with a live auction to follow. Dinner will be catered by Baxter’s. If you are interested in attending, you can purchase tickets in advance from the Food Bank. There will be no on-line ticket sales, so please contact the Food Bank directly at 309-663-5350 to make arrangement to purchase tickets. Please make sure to tell the Food Bank you are from St. Matthew’s so we can be seated together, if possible. If you need any assistance or have questions, please contact Chrissy Stoffer at Thanks for your continued support of the Food Bank!

Soup Supper & A Global Gardening Project, Wednesday, March 23Schedule:

  • 5:30 – 6:00  Appetizers & Introduction to  “Seed Programs International”
  • 6:00 – 7:00 Soup Supper;  introduction of guest(s); guess the seed numbers game
  • 7:00 – 8:00  Seed Packing; during the activity, we will report on receiving organizations and recipients.
  • March 20 – Deadline for signup. Signup sheet on bulletin board in hallway

Please bring “stone soups” at 5:00 to combine and heat; recipes for chili and potato soup on hallway bulletin board;  for other soups please bring in cookware to heat on stove or crock pots; feel free to bring a bottle of wine to share

We will attempt to pack 3,000 envelopes, yielding up to 5-10 tons of food relative to seed weight.  These will be mailed to receiving organizations in the U.S. who will ship to their recipient programs around the world. Envelopes for donations to “Seed Programs International” will be available on each table. Insert checks made out to “Seed Programs International” — or cash— and seal. These will be mailed to SPI Thursday morning and our contribution will be reported as soon as counted. Note: you may designate your contribution to Ukrainian Refugee Gardening Project. See for information on that initiative. Kitchen help is needed for serving and cleanup.

For questions or additional information please see committee members -Ann, Crissy, Dedee, (the) Lindas, Nona, and Valerie