St. Matthew’s Good News – 5/27/2022

Fr. Tom’s Process Update

  • Step 1 – Reception into Episcopal Priesthood. As the Diocese plans for the new Bishop’s ordination, Vestry is working with Diocese leadership for the reception of Father Tom into Episcopal priesthood. On June 4, he will complete the National Canon requirement as a member of the Episcopal Church for one year. Fr. Tom currently has the status of a Priest ordained in a church by a Bishop in Historic Succession but not in full communion with the Episcopal Church. The nomination process for Fr. Tom is made by the Diocese through the submission of various documents, one of which is a letter of support from St. Matthews signed by two-thirds of our Vestry members committing our church to involve itself in Fr. Tom’s preparation for reception to the Priesthood. The Diocesan Standing Committee in conjunction with the Diocese’ Chancellor is currently in process of drafting and approving the recommended language for our letter of support to comply with National Canons. Once this letter is provided to Vestry, we will publish it via the Newsletter, Flock Notes and post it on the bulletin board outside the Church Office. If you have any comments regarding St. Matthews support for Fr. Tom’s reception into Episcopal priesthood, please share your thoughts with a Vestry member that will make certain that your opinion is shared with other members of Vestry. As we are uncertain of the Diocese’s timing for our letter, this process may happen quickly so please be diligent in reading and responding to communication requests. After a time for comment, all members of Vestry will be provided an opportunity to sign the letter of support. If Fr. Tom is received into Priesthood, the ceremony will be led by Bishop Burgess at St. Matthews.
  • Step 2 – Call as a Rector. After the above process is complete, in accordance with Diocese Canons, the St. Matthews Vestry will vote on whether to call Fr. Tom as its next Rector. The congregation will again be given an opportunity at that time to provide input to the Vestry members regarding their support of calling Fr. Tom as our next Rector.

If you have any questions on the process, please talk to a Vestry member. In the interim, please pray for Father Tom, Karen, and St. Matthews.

1 John 1:7: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin”.

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