St. Matthew’s Good News – 8/26/2022

A Word from Father Tom

Prov 3:5-8
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

How does one learn to trust in the Lord? Where does the abandonment of reliance on our own limited views and assessments, coincide with the discernment that we are called to have in making a host of decisions? So much of it has to do with our perspective on the true source our strength and wisdom. In the context of living a responsible life, who or what is our true source of peace and surety?

ALL of our trust for the results and cares of this life is to be in the Lord; ALL. The enemy of ALL is “relying on our own insights” for our confidence and peace. This is a challenge that can only be overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit and a continual, practiced, and prayerful trust in our God.

We can trust our God for the outcomes which bring us hope, joy, and peace, but these things don’t come from control but from a continual trust in the one who has created, sustains, and redeemed us. He calls us to be stewards, not to be in control of outcomes. He is worth trusting, and He can be trusted every step of the way if it is He and His kingdom that we truly desire.

Ft. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM


As Christians, we are asked to feed the hungry. Here’s how you can help:

In August, September, and October The Outreach Committee will collect and deliver food and nonfood items for the Home Sweet Home Mission, which feeds and shelters people in need. We are asking for regular-sized items for the Mission’s Bread for Life Food Coop, where the needy can shop, and large or even bulk-sized items for the Mission’s kitchen. Here’s HSH’s needs list:

FOOD: canned chicken; cooking oil; low sodium items, such as soups and veggies; canned pasta; jelly; boxed meals, such as Hamburger Helper; brown rice; bottled water; 100% juice; Glucerna

NONFOOD: toilet paper; paper towels; dish detergent; bleach or disinfectant; plain notebooks.

Thanks so much for your generosity. -The Outreach Committee