St. Matthew’s Good News – 9/30/2022

Word from Father Tom

In the spring of 2022, our vestry started discussions regarding our core values as a church parish and our future in serving and reaching out to the greater Bloomington-Normal population with the love and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are thankful for the faithful service in our congregation of those who are reaching out aiding various local non-profits (especially, our Outreach Committee – see their link under the serve with us heading). However, we are looking to go beyond what is being done in these instances to more intentionally building relationships with those outside of our covenant family who do not have a church connection or home.

In the Fall of 2021, we considered how we might remove unnecessary obstacles that visitors and those unfamiliar with church life might face as they enter our facilities and/or sanctuary. With our uncompromising commitment in the worship of our God through our Holy Scriptures, Historic Liturgy, and the Ecumenical Creeds, we are examining how we might facilitate better access to our services and a less encumbered path to engaged worship. Some of the things being considered are more visitor parking, clearer signage, and the possible re-configuring of spaces in our building which were built for another time (with different needs).

In the winter/spring of 2023, St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church will begin discussions of application as we seek to be the church in the world. Based on the interest of members and attendees in this process, we will be forming small discussion/planning groups related to our vision for outreach. This conversation begins with how we might reach out to Bloomington-Normal with the light and love of Jesus Christ, but in time our energies can also have regional, national, and international implications.

The goal of these discussions will not be complete agreement with one another in application, but a shared unity and love working together toward some common goals. We are looking to do a few things and do them well. God is already at work in our surrounding areas and in the lives of people before we arrive or have met them. We have been praying for wisdom and looking toward what He might want us to do. Pray that the “Lord of the harvest, would send laborers into the fields” to do his bidding. Pray that we would be those laborers and that we would expect the harvest He chooses to give us as we seek to bring joy to heaven by making disciples of those who are lost without Jesus, the savior of the world.

More details to come.

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM. No meeting on Oct 9, 2022.

Time for Ladies Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, October 8th, beginning at 9 AM. Come for breakfast, prayer. and fellowship.  Please sign up on the main hall bulletin board, so we know how much food to prepare.

As Christians, we are asked to feed the hungry. Here’s how you can help: In August, September, and October The Outreach Committee will collect and deliver food and nonfood items for the Home Sweet Home Mission, which feeds and shelters people in need. We are asking for regular-sized items for the Mission’s Bread for Life Food Coop, where the needy can shop, and large or even bulk-sized items for the Mission’s kitchen. Here’s HSH’s needs list:

FOOD: canned chicken; cooking oil; low sodium items, such as soups and veggies; canned pasta; jelly; boxed meals, such as Hamburger Helper; brown rice; bottled water; 100% juice; Glucerna

NONFOOD: toilet paper; paper towels; dish detergent; bleach or disinfectant; plain notebooks.

Thanks so much for your generosity. -The Outreach Committee

Time for Ladies Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, October 8th, beginning at 9 AM. Come for breakfast, prayer. and fellowship.  Please sign up on the main hall bulletin board, so we know how much food to prepare.