St. Matthew’s Good News – 5/19/2023

We all have expectations; it is almost impossible to be a human being and not have at least some. That said, unrealistic expectations are one of the main reasons that we often go through unnecessary delusion and disappointment.

This Sunday, we finish our preaching series in I Peter. He has some themes that he continues to repeat to the churches to whom he is writing, and thus, he emphasizes these themes to us as well. One of them? Stop being surprised when you get pushback and face difficulty as a Christian. This world has never been heaven, and it never will be. Those preaching a Gospel that this world should be heaven, set us up for disillusionment and denial. Those that preach the whole revelation of God faithfully to the people of God, help prepare them for the heaven that exists and the real battles ahead.

That said, because of the goodness of God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can experience heaven to some extent in this life, and God uses us to bring his “kingdom come” in this life. How does all of this happen?

See you Sunday!

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

May, June, July. The Salvation Army has a long history of helping families in need. Right now the Army is stressing the overwhelming need in McLean County for food. We can help by donating items such as: spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, macaroni, tune fish, cereal, soup, canned corn, rice, coffee, tea, salad dressing, canned fruit, flour, sugar, and salt. Please bring your donations to church, and the Outreach Committee will convey them to our local Army headquarters. Thanks so much!