St. Matthew’s Good News – 7/21/2023

Our search for a new Organist and Choirmaster is over. I would like to officially welcome Ann Hammond as our Choirmaster and Kari Kaps as our new organist.

Ann has extensive experience and is already known to many of us as she directed several of our youth choirs, was an accompanist, and assisted the church in music leadership through a time of transition. She most recently served as an accompanist at Christ the King Episcopal Church in Normal, IL. Ann begins her time with us on August 1st.

Kari has had experience as an organist in multiple liturgical congregations, most recently in the Catholic Diocese of Peoria, IL. She is also employed at Illinois Wesleyan as a pianist for their theatre program. We have been blessed to have Kari assist us with several funerals in the past month, where she has done an excellent job. Kari will start as our Organist on Sept. 1st.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Matthew Clarke who has been our interim organist for the past two years, and who quite literally has been a God-send. Matthew continues to look for work as an orchestral conductor and is also open to the possibility of pursuing a Ph.D. in conducting. We look to have a farewell fellowship for him in the coming month.

We thank you, Lord, for your faithful provision for St. Matthew”s Episcopal Church regarding the lives and ministries of Matthew, Kari, and Ann. We pray for your continued blessing and protection of our church and these three musicians. Use us and them for the glory and worship of your name. We ask all of this, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Ft Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

Saturday, August 12th, serving begins at 5:30 p.m. Fried chicken, and coffee/tea will be provided. Please sign up to bring a dish to pass or help defray the expenses. Find the Sign-up sheet on the main hallway bulletin board. This is a great opportunity to invite family & guests to our church.

The Vestry is currently taking bids for a landscaping and upgrade project for the front of our church. Our hope is to make our entrance more welcoming and fresh for those who visit and attend. We are also looking to create opportunities for fellowship and interaction in these same spaces. Check out the drawings and materials on the back table in the Parish Hall for more information.

In addition, the Vestry is also actively pursuing information, bids, and potentially available grants regarding the maintenance and enhancement of various areas of the church involving concrete repair, proper signage, and Rectory beautification and useability. We are also in the process of developing relationships with the thirteen 12-step groups meeting daily/weekly in our Rectory (while honoring their need for anonymity and privacy) so as to better serve them while welcoming those who would like to consider Christ in regards to spiritual direction.

July. The Salvation Army has a long history of helping families in need. Right now the Army is stressing the overwhelming need in McLean County for food. We can help by donating items such as: spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, macaroni, tune fish, cereal, soup, canned corn, rice, coffee, tea, salad dressing, canned fruit, flour, sugar, and salt. Please bring your donations to church, and the Outreach Committee will convey them to our local Army headquarters. Thanks so much!