St. Matthew’s Good News – 7/28/2023

It is amazing how small certain seeds can be for either flowers or vegetables. Many of us are now harvesting or at least seeing a coming harvest from our spring efforts. How is it that such a tiny seed that doesn’t move or seem to have any animation of its own, grows to have such a presence in our landscaping or garden?

Science can describe many things, including information that helps us understand why life flourishes. However, what it still cannot explain with any certainty is how a seed has the “life force” to grow into something large and astounding.

In our text on Sunday, we will see a similar reality about faith in our God. While faith is a gift of God through Christ and only possible as a work of the Holy Spirit, we must want it and pursue it. Once we have faith – even in the smallest sense of the word – we must choose to do something with it. In Christ, we have the power to cultivate and encourage an environment where faith will astound and flourish beyond anything we could ever imagine or produce.

Is this the faith we want?

See you Sunday.

Ft Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

The Vestry is currently taking bids for a landscaping and upgrade project for the front of our church. Our hope is to make our entrance more welcoming and fresh for those who visit and attend. We are also looking to create opportunities for fellowship and interaction in these same spaces. Check out the drawings and materials on the back table in the Parish Hall for more information.

In addition, the Vestry is also actively pursuing information, bids, and potentially available grants regarding the maintenance and enhancement of various areas of the church involving concrete repair, proper signage, and Rectory beautification and useability. We are also in the process of developing relationships with the thirteen 12-step groups meeting daily/weekly in our Rectory (while honoring their need for anonymity and privacy) so as to better serve them while welcoming those who would like to consider Christ in regards to spiritual direction. Please pray wisdom for the vestry as we pursue these avenues with the motivation of loving the Lord our God, and loving our neighbors as ourselves…no matter who those neighbors may be.

July. The Salvation Army has a long history of helping families in need. Right now the Army is stressing the overwhelming need in McLean County for food. We can help by donating items such as: spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, macaroni, tune fish, cereal, soup, canned corn, rice, coffee, tea, salad dressing, canned fruit, flour, sugar, and salt. Please bring your donations to church, and the Outreach Committee will convey them to our local Army headquarters. Thanks so much!