St. Matthew’s Good News – 8/4/2023

I am so very thankful for those who do so much to keep our church property and equipment in good working order. Whatever challenges we might face with an aging building, we are very blessed to have the beautiful and thoughtfully designed sanctuary and facilities that we do.

There are many in the past who have played a significant part in overseeing and contributing to the quality and maintenance of our campus as members of our Building and Grounds Committee. There are several who continue to keep things cared for behind the scenes, whether this be repairs, light bulbs, tree removal, HVAC repair, etc. With support from others, our Jr. Warden, Dedee, also works with others getting quotes, overseeing repairs, organizing workdays, and reporting progress to the Vestry. There are several (including many at a recent workday) that also have put hours into the beautification and care of our current landscaping. Thank you all for your work (and your continual service).

However, some of these same people are getting busier. In addition to our Jr. Warden, many are also working on quotes for updates, meeting with contractors for clarification, and keeping up with repairs that often rear their heads at the worst of times. We need more help. We need future leadership that can help this priest and our Jr. Warden recruit, organize, and schedule weekly responsibilities. We need others behind these tasks, such as:

  • trimming, weeding/spraying, sweeping/blowing the concrete sidewalks, drives, and asphalt parking areas during the summer months (our lawn service trims where grass edging and hard surfaces meet).
  • The weeding, watering, and care of the new and existing landscaping as we go forward.
  • Brush removal and the continual beautification of the property.
  • Making sure the garbage is taken down to the curb on a regular basis.
  • Leaf removal in the Fall
  • Clearing and salting snowy walks in the winter.

What equipment may the church need to better accomplish these tasks in more effective ways? Where would we store such equipment? Do we need a budget line item? Such are some of the answers that would need to be answered.

Some of the above things can be accomplished by “workdays”, but these can only accomplish so much. I am hoping to see a “Landscaping Care and Beautification” action group organized for effective communication to those driving by and visiting our church.

Is cleanliness next to godliness? No. But a well-cared-for and crisply-trimmed presentation communicates that we care about what God has blessed us with. It can say: “No, we aren’t accepting decline, and we are alive. We desire to vibrantly love you with the love of Jesus, and we want you to visit”.

God will use us and bless us as we do our best with what he has given us. However, as we are growing, I believe He would also like to see more people engaged in supporting our efforts in pointing others to Jesus.

If you have any interest in being in this group, please reach out to Father Tom or to Dedee.

See you Sunday.

Ft Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

All-Church Picnic
Saturday, Aug 12th, Church Parish Hall, serving at 5:30 PM.

Saturday, August 12th, Church Parish Hall, serving begins at 5:30 p.m. Fried chicken – coffee/tea will be provided. Please sign up to bring dish to pass or help defray the expenses. Find the Sign-up sheet on the main hallway bulletin board. This is a great opportunity to invite family & guests to our church. Please Sign-up by this Sunday so we can have an accurate count for getting the fried chicken!, or phone the count into Office (309-662-4646).