St. Matthew’s Good News – 9/15/2023

In a nutshell, what is the Anglican Tradition? I found this statement on the website of Nashotah House Episcopal Seminary in 2013.

Sane, wise, ancient, modern, sound, and simple,” as Martin Thornton calls it, the Anglican tradition is rooted in the witness of the Holy Scriptures and the Early Fathers, and is often described as a via media (middle way) between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Sometimes called “reformed Catholicism,” Anglicanism gives equal weight to Word and Sacrament in its worship, and secures its polity in the Apostolic Succession of bishops. With Holy Scripture as its rule of faith, Anglicanism reserves a place for Reason and Tradition in its theological discourse, and has always made a strong association between what the Church believes and what the Church prays. Lex orandi, lex credendi – “the law of prayer is the law of belief” – well expresses the close correspondence in classical Anglicanism between doctrine and doxology.

It is still well-said today. Have a blessed weekend.

Father Tom

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Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

Please Check and Edit the “Working Directory”
The editable directory is available through Sunday, Oct. 1st – please make your corrections and/or additions. There are several people who have attended occasionally over the last year who may not be included in this directory yet. Please write in your contact information or send it to the office if would like to be added to the directory.