St. Matthew’s Good News – 2/28/2025
Please make plans to share food and time with one another at our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner on Tuesday at 6:00 PM, and then let us enter the Season of Lent together as we follow the steps of our savior in our Ash Wednesday Mass.
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St. Matthew’s Good News – 2/21/2025
This Thursday, we continue our Bible study at 6:00 PM in the Parish Hall considering the Book of I Corinthians. In my opinion, the Corinthian Church was likely the most difficult church that the Apostle Paul had to deal with in the New Testament. Internal evidence from the first letter to the… Continue reading →
St. Matthew’s Good News – 2/14/2025
On Thursday, we began our Bible Study on First Corinthians with thirteen of our church family present. First Corinthians is a fascinating letter. In my opinion, the Corinthian Church was likely the most … Continue reading →
St. Matthew’s Good News – 2/07/2025
Four different people have shown interest in the Inquirer’s class, and others are certainly welcome. To be considered for reception or confirmation in the Episcopal Church (and thus, St. Matthew’s), each class must be completed (or made-up if missed). The inquirer’s class will begin on We…Continue reading →