St. Matthew’s Good News – 6/4/2022

Fr Tom’s Process

The process for reception of Fr. Tom continues to progress. As set forth in a prior Newsletter, the first step is the reception of Fr. Tom as an Episcopal priest. After weeks of research and discussions by Diocesan leadership, St. Matthew’s Vestry received the form and language for three endorsements for Fr. Tom. These documents require the signatures of two-thirds of Vestry members that believe he is worthy of being received as a Deacon and a Priest in the Episcopal Church. The Deacon sub-step is in compliance with Canon 8 Sec. 6 which requires that a candidate be first ordained as a Deacon before becoming a Priest. I thank those of you which provided comments to Vestry members regarding the process. Such signatures have been secured from the required majority of Vestry at the meeting this week and from Vestry members unable to attend the meeting. Copies of the executed documents are posted in the Parish Hall outside of the church office. Details now rest with the Diocese to complete its steps and set the date for Fr. Tom’s reception. Once Fr. Tom is received as an Episcopal Priest, he will be able to perform sacramental duties alleviating our need for supply clergy. In addition, Vestry will continue work with the Diocese to determine the requirements and timing of the steps thereafter.

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class

Men’s Breakfast
Yes, after an extended break, Men’s Fellowship Breakfast returns on Saturday, June 18th at 8:00 AM. Gather for a great meal and renew (or make new) friendships.

Supply: On Sunday, June 5 there will be full eucharistic services with the sermon by Canon Mark. At the coffee hour after the Rite II service, we will recognize Deacon Tim for his service to St. Matthews during his Diocesan assignment. On Sunday, June 9, we will have Communion with Reserve with Rev Christine Hopkins, Emmanuel Memorial (Champaign) as our supply clergy. Please thank Canon Mark and Deacon Christine for their generous service to St. Matthews!

Men’s Breakfast: The re-launch of Men’s Breakfast will be on June 18 at 8:00am and hosted by Jim Cooper. Please let Jim or the office know plan to kickoff Father’s Day weekend with us and join in the fellowship.

SWOT Exercise: Vestry is currently building the research and data needed for future planning. We are currently at the stage of collecting input on the strengths, challenges, opportunities, and threats for St. Matthew’s Church. If you would like to participate, please connect with a member of Vestry during the month of June.

Remembering Adrienne Ives: The funeral for Adrienne Ives will take place this Thursday, June 9th, at 2:00 PM here at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. All are invited to a fellowship meal following the service in the Parish Hall.