Word from Father Tom
In many ways, I hope 2023 will be a year of “Epiphany” for our parish. Epiphany is a celebration and a disciplined season of the church as we focus on the ministry and exposure of Christ and his Gospel to the greater world. At his baptism, Jesus began his ministry, proclaiming a “repentance of sin for the Kingdom of God is at hand”.
It is my hope that we may begin this year looking more “outwardly” in how we might share the love and light of Jesus with our immediate geographical community in more personal and interactive ways. I believe we are getting close to having those discussions more broadly in the church, and I would like to share a few opportunities forthcoming that may aid us as we continue to be light to the world.
On Saturday, February 4th, beginning at 5:30 pm, we will be hosting a “Souper Saturday” as a precursor to the Super Bowl on Sunday Night and the subsequent parties that many will be attending. This event is a good opportunity to introduce others to our church family in a less-intimidating setting, along with good food. Mark and Kathy Gibson will be spearheading this event. See more details below.
If you have a friend or family member away from the church, you might consider inviting them to our 2nd Service and the following “Mardi Gras” Fellowship provided by Rex and Valerie Schaeffer (among others) on Sunday, February 19th.
Lastly, consider our Shrove Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, February 21st, for those holdouts who said “no” to the first two invitations! ?
In whatever case, please make it a matter of regular prayer that through the power of the Holy Spirit, St. Matthew’s will see many become disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may know his forgiving and healing light.
Fr. Tom
Upcoming Schedule
Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.
Saturday Jan 21, 2023, 11 AM, Ayers baby shower. Sign up on the bulletin board.
Sunday Jan 29, 2023, combine worship service at 9:30 AM. Annual meeting held after service.
Saturday Feb 4, 2023, 5:30 PM Souper Saturday
St. Matthew’s Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29th, following the 9:30 am. worship for the entire congregation.
In order to prepare for the Annual Meeting Book, we need your reports turned into the office or to one of the Wardens by Sunday January 21. Please ensure any report longer than a page is sent by e-mail in Word (or Publisher) formatting to office@stmattsblm.org Thanks.
One important item included in the business of the annual meeting is reception of amendments/changes to St. Matthew’s Constitution & Bylaws documents. Copies are printed and available in the Parish Hall, on the 1/2 round table near the entry. Please take a set of these important documents for reading ahead of the meeting on January 29.
Join us on Saturday, January 21st, at 11:00 a.m., as we celebrate the expected March arrival of baby Ayers. They are registered at Target, on Amazon, and on Babylist.com. A Sign-up sheet will be available on the bulletin board outside the office so we know how many to plan for.
NEW MEMBER/CONFIRMATION CLASS Starting in February, Father Tom will lead a Confirmation/New Membership class for those interested in considering the next important steps in their journey with Christ. Also invited are those who would like to grow more in their understanding of the Episcopal-catholic tradition. See the sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board or talk to Father Tom.
OUTREACH – ITEMS OF THE MONTH (January & February)
The Salvation Army has a long history in McLean County: It first arrived in November 1886 and has always been a presence in downtown Bloomington. The community center is now located at 611 W. Washington St. The new Safe Harbor Shelter is located at 601 W. Washington St. The Salvation Army now occupies the entire 600 block of West Washington St. in a campus-like setting. The Salvation Army’s “mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.” Let’s help The Salvation Army feed and shelter needy people this winter by donation personal hygiene items for both men and women, and canned and boxed food such as: regular & travel sized items like deodorant, shaving cream, lotions, feminine hygiene products. Food items like hamburger helper, Ramen noodles, macaroni & cheese boxes, peanut butter, and hot sauce. Thanks for your donations!
After several Covid years, The Salvation Army will take gently used coats for adults. Place your donated coats in the big white box opposite the office and they’ll be delivered to The Salvation Army community center. Please, no “dress coats.” Thank you