Word from Father Tom
Our Feast of the Epiphany was well-attended today as the Spirit launched us into the Season of Epiphany.
This Sunday, we will be considering the Baptism of Jesus, the inaugurating act of the ministry of Jesus as he preached repentance from sin and the coming of the Kingdom of God. As St. Anselm so poignantly taught, Jesus became a substitute for humanity, becoming the “New Israelite” that revealed the glory of God to the nations. The Nation of Israel, and thus, mankind in general, rebelled against God, hiding His glory. Now through conversion in baptism by the power of the Holy Spirit, we, His disciples, are capable of being Jesus to the world, shining his light in the darkness.
I hope you will come to join us at the altar rail, as we continue to live as citizens of a Kingdom that will not end. A Kingdom that will never be defeated.
Fr. Tom
Upcoming Schedule
Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.
Saturday Jan 21, 2023, 11 AM, Ayers baby shower. Sign up on the bulletin board.
St. Matthew’s Vestry will have four (4) positions available for election at the Annual Meeting scheduled for January 29, 2023. There is a new process for candidates interested in becoming a member of Vestry in compliance with the Diocese Canons and St. Matthew’s Bylaws. Interested members should obtain a packet from the church office and complete it on or before January 10, 2023. If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Fr. Tom, a Warden or a member of Vestry.
In order to prepare for the Annual Meeting Book, we need your reports turned into the office or to one of the Wardens by Sunday January 21. Please ensure any report longer than a page is sent by e-mail in Word (or Publisher) formatting to office@stmattsblm.org Thanks.
Join us on Saturday, January 21st, at 11:00 a.m., as we celebrate the expected March arrival of baby Ayers. They are registered at Target, on Amazon, and on Babylist.com. A Sign-up sheet will be available on the bulletin board outside the office so we know how many to plan for.
NEW MEMBER/CONFIRMATION CLASS In early 2023, Father Tom will be leading a Confirmation/New Membership class for those who are interested in considering the next important steps in their journey with Christ. Also invited are those who would like to grow more in their understanding of the Episcopal-catholic tradition. When we are baptized in Christ, we become a part of the past, present, and future church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The visible expression of this unseen reality is our membership, commitment, and service to a local New Covenant Family, i.e., the church. Our commitment to our Triune God and to one another culminates in our committing to and serving with a local body of people who also have been baptized in His love. Please talk to Father Tom if you are interested.