Word from Father Tom
During Advent we prepare our hearts and minds afresh to receive the Christ-child. At the time in Israel when Jesus was born, the state of the Covenant People was one of spiritual darkness, isolation, and confusion. The Romans occupied and ruled the land by brute force and oppression, and most of Jewish leaders were selfish, manipulative, and cared little for the true heart of their Covenant God. These unfaithful shepherds reveled in beliefs and narratives of their own design and the creation of their own ways of salvation, all the while using, ignoring, and burdening those who were poor, the marginalized, and the powerless. BUT in this time of darkness, Jesus was born.
This Advent, we may also feel that we are facing much darkness. We are often reminded at Christmas about those we have lost in the recent past, our own mortality, or our loneliness and isolation. Nostalgia can quickly replace the hope and future we still have as life continues its onward flow.
As a parish we have bounced back from COVID admirably in comparison with national attendance averages but have still seen significant numerical loss. Our own diocese attendance declined 35% in average Sunday attendance in 2021 (very close to the national average in the Episcopal Church). We are recovering from the pandemic emotionally, spiritually, and physically. As committed members who love our church, we may get confused or concerned regarding the future of the parish. It seems to me a great time to welcome once again the light of the world, JESUS. He has a penchant for bursting into darkness bringing a blinding light before, with, and after Him.
When we lay aside our anxiety at the things swirling around us that we cannot control, and put our hope in the wisdom, protection, and provision of our Triune God, any Christmas Season can be a time for renewed HOPE, JOY, and PEACE. This does not mean that our “feelings” will always step into line as we would hope. What it does mean is that our gracious God will lead, direct, and deliver us as He always has for His Covenant People. When we take each day as it comes, we know He will give us the support that we need to journey through the day before us.
As we choose to obey, love, and trust our gracious Savior and Lord, the head of the church and bringer of salvation, we will find life, healing, and strength. Let us again these Advent and Christmas seasons prepare our hearts and joyfully celebrate our deliverance from sin and despair through our celebration of Holy Communion on Sundays, personal prayer and meditation during the week, and a continuing devotion to our Triune God. Let us offer to Him our repeated prayers of thanksgiving for the deliverance and light of the Christ-child.
Fr. Tom
Upcoming Schedule
Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.
Saturday Dec 24, 2022, 9:00 PM, Feast of the Nativity Candlelight Service. This is one of our highest feast days in our catholic tradition as Episcopalians. Let us come together to gloriously praise our God and encourage one another to faithfulness in the year to come!
Sunday Dec 25, 2022, 9:30 AM combined service of Holy Communion together as we continue our celebration of the Christ-child in the Christmas Season.
Friday Jan 6, 2023, 11 AM, Service of Holy Communion celebrating The Feast of the Epiphany. We are asking that participants only use the first three rows in the Nave (cong. area of seating). The consecrated elements will be distributed at the altar rail. We hope you will make plans ahead of time to join us.
ADVENT DEVOTIONAL: Click link to see: link
THANK YOU for your overwhelming generosity to The Home Sweet Home Mission!
Collecting cozy winter accessories for children is a December tradition at St. Matthew’s, and this year The Outreach Committee is adding November to our gathering period. We’ll set up two “mitten trees”, one in the narthex and one outside the parish hall. We’ll ask for NEW mittens, hats, scarves, and even coats for small kids, to be distributed by The Boys and Girls Club. These items can be hand-made or store-bought.
Thanks for giving! -The Outreach Committee
OUTREACH FOLLOW-UP The Outreach Committee received an e-letter of thanks and appreciation from Dr. Advent Elias Chakupewa, son of Bishop Elias Chakupewa of Tanzania. Dr. Advent thanked St. Matthew’s Church for supporting him financially in medical school at CUHAS University Tanzania. Many thanks to all who contributed to Dr. Advent’s successful years in medical school and to DiAnne Wunderle, who engineered this effort.
In early 2023, Father Tom will be leading a Confirmation/New Membership class for those who are interested in considering the next important steps in their journey with Christ. Also invited are those who would like to grow more in their understanding of the Episcopal-catholic tradition.
When we are baptized in Christ, we become a part of the past, present, and future church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The visible expression of this unseen reality is our membership, commitment, and service to a local New Covenant Family, i.e., the church. Our commitment to our Triune God and to one another culminates in our committing to and serving with a local body of people who also have been baptized in His love.
Please talk to Father Tom if you are interested.
Books abound at St. Matthew’s! You have an opportunity to update your own book library or to share books with others. Books and other goodies are now on display at the entrance to the Parish Hall. The Outreach Committee encourages contributions to its work if you are so inclined. Books available will rotate in and out weekly (from the books we already have). Questions may be directed to members of the Outreach Committee.