Word from Father Tom
Those signed up for the Informational/Inquiry class regarding St. Matthew’s history and beliefs, please take note of the updated information below in the announcement section. Please do confirm with Father Tom that you will be attending the class.
This Sunday’s Fellowship will be a special “Mardi Gras” themed dinner to help us continue celebrating the light of Christ in Epiphany as we prepare for the coming spiritual introspection of Lent. There will be “New Orleans” styled dishes and a lot of fun. This would be a great event to bring a friend who has been away from church for a while.
Our Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Feast) will be this Tuesday, the 21st. More details below
Our Ash Wednesday Service of Holy Communion will be on Wednesday, February 22nd. The service will start at 6:00 PM and will include the imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.
See you Sunday for our Seventh Sunday of Epiphany, with an emphasis on the Transfiguration.
Fr. Tom
Upcoming Schedule
Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.
Saturday, Feb 21, 2023, 5:30 PM, Schrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023, 5:00 PM, New Member/Confirmation Inquiry Class
We would like to assemble a group to sing this Sunday. If interested, we will gather in the choir loft at 9:30 AM prior to the service. We will be singing familiar music from the hymnal. EVERYONE is welcome.
We will be having our annual Pre Lenten Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, February 21. The men will be cooking and serving starting at 5:30 PM. Bring your friends and neighbors and help us celebrate. Free will offering, come and have great fellowship.
We will begin our class on Wednesday, March 1st. A light supper will be served at 5:00 pm, and the class will begin at 5:30 pm. Those that can’t arrive until a bit later will still be able to eat during the start of class. If you signed up, please confirm with Father Tom you will be attending for planning purposes.
Let’s help The Salvation Army feed and shelter needy people this winter by donating personal hygiene items for both men and women and canned and boxed food such as: regular & travel-sized items like deodorant, shaving cream, lotions, and feminine hygiene products. Food items like hamburger helper, Ramen noodles, macaroni & cheese boxes, peanut butter, and hot sauce. Thanks for your donations! Also, after several Covid years, The Salvation Army will take gently used coats for adults. Place your donated coats in the big white box opposite the office and they’ll be delivered to The Salvation Army community center. Please, no “dress coats.” Thank you.