Word from Father Tom…
So, what does it “look like” when we confess our sins as Christians? Due to our western and heavily Protestant influence, most of us think of confession as a private matter between ourselves and God. However, as with the Creation of Adam and Eve, their disobedience, and their salvation as prescribed by Elohim-Yahweh (the Creator-Covenant God of Israel), personal actions always have pronounced communal repercussions.
Paul tells us in Romans that when Adam “sinned”, somehow, so did we. In the least, he is the symbol of our disobedience against God, but I believe Paul sees much more going on here in a mystical and relational way. The first human beings had a chance at getting and keeping things right with God relationally. When they sinned, we, and the rest of the created order, reaped the whirlwind (see Genesis 3 and Romans 5:12-15, Rom 8:18-25). This is why Christ comes back as the “new Adam” to represent us in his obedience, sacrifice, resurrection, and glorification. In a certain way of speaking, he undoes what Adam, Eve, and others got wrong. Thus, we see a communal context and starting point regarding our disobedience and redemption.
Similarly, the Covenant people see their sin, struggle, and redemption firstly as a WE thing. We are in this together, including the needs and sinfulness we still struggle with.
For anyone interested, I would enjoy walking personally with you through the different and varied texts in the Old and New Testaments, which support understanding the communal and personal nature of our confession and forgiveness.
How has the church confessed its sins together and privately over the years? We will begin to look at this more closely in our next article.
Fr. Tom
Upcoming Schedule
Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.
Wednesday, 5:00 PM, New Member/Confirmation Inquiry Class
We will begin our class on Wednesday, March 8th. A light supper will be served at 5:00 pm, and the class will begin at 5:30 pm. Those that can’t arrive until a bit later will still be able to eat during the start of class.
- Palm Sunday, April 2nd – One Service at 9:30 AM (meeting 10 minutes early outside and in front of the church for the Procession of the Palms – or in the fireplace Hallway if the weather is inclement).
- Maundy Thursday Service, with Holy Communion, April 6th – 6:00 PM
- Good Friday, Stations of the Cross Service, April 7th – Noon
- Good Friday Service, April 7th – 6:00 PM
- Easter Vigil Service, Saturday, April 8th – 7:00 PM
- Easter Sunday Service, April 9th – 10:00 AM. The Easter Dinner and Potluck will follow the morning mass. The meat will be provided, but St. Matt’s people, please see the sign-up sheet in the hallway if you can bring something. Guests and visitors, please just come!
Please feel free to talk to Father Tom or our office administrator, Pat, if you have any transportation or attendance concerns (especially with night driving). We would be happy to assist you in finding alternative transportation.