St. Matthew’s Good News – 3/25/2022

A Word From Father Tom

We had a wonderful time on Wednesday at our dinner/fundraiser/seed-packing gathering for Seed Programs International. Now the seeds are being organized and sent to their various locations for distribution to those who are in need.

So very much work went into the planning, decorating, meal preparation, and execution of this outreach event. However, there is more work to be done. Now we need to pray that God will make a way for these seeds to get into the right hands so as to be most effective. We need to pray that these seeds would find a good climate, enough rain, and the fertility that God has embedded in his creation. Some might ask, “but won’t God will do good with these seeds without our prayers?”. Certainly, God is gracious and uses us even when we don’t pray; but this is not His plan, nor how he chooses to bless others in the most pronounced of ways. The Lord USES our prayers to redeem others and how He blesses others. Our prayers matter, because as humans made in His image, we are stewards of His creation, and now in Christ, we are His ambassadors as we proclaim His redemption across the Globe. So…PRAY. Pray that these seeds would go forward with blessing and power to those in need. Pray that God would protect their shipment and distribution. Pray that those who are ministered to by other followers of Jesus would find forgiveness and reconciliation with the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray that the glory and grace of God would shine brightly into the darkness through our efforts.

“Pray without ceasing”.

Father Tom

Upcoming Schedule
Holy Week

  • Palm Sunday, April 10th – One Service at 9:30 AM (meeting 10 minutes early outside and in front of the church for the Procession of the Palms – or in the Fireplace Hallway if the weather is inclement).
  • Maundy Thursday, April 14th – 6:00 PM
  • Good Friday, Stations of the Cross Service, April 15th – Noon
  • Good Friday Service, April 15th – 6:00 PM
  • Easter Vigil Service, Saturday, April 16th – 7:00 PM
  • Easter Sunday Service, April 17the – 10:00 AM

Adult Christian Ed Class (Eric Teoro, teaching)

The class regularly meets between worship services (9:00 to 9:45 a.m.) in Parish Hall. Come join us!

Documents of Interest

To Mask Or Not To Mask?

We are lifting the mask requirement in every facet of our ministry life, at this time (please pray that this becomes a permanent reality!). We welcome anyone who desires to wear a mask in smaller settings or during Mass to do so. We would also ask everyone to continue to stay aware of distancing (especially with those wearing a mask). If you are revealing strong symptoms related to COVID19 please stay home.

Midwest Food Bank Supports Ukraine Refugees

Midwest Food Bank is partnering with Convoy of Hope, another faith-based nonprofit, to send nearly 240,000 servings of Tender Mercies to support Ukrainian relief efforts. Convoy of Hope has a 35,000 sq. ft. warehouse with staff in Poland near the Ukrainian border and is making regular shipments of food and supplies there. Tender Mercies is a rice, bean and spice mixture developed by Midwest Food Bank with the assistance of dieticians to provide critical nutrition in a shelf-stable format. Tender Mercies food packets are fortified with protein, essential vitamins and minerals to ensure maximum nutritional value. If you would like to know more about this program or would like to make a donation, please send a check to Midwest Food Bank, 700 Erie Avenue, Morton, IL 61550 and write “Tender Mercies” in the memo line. Alternatively, you can make an online donation using the attached link. Support Ukraine – Midwest Food Bank. Thank you.