St. Matthew’s Good News – 4/14/2023

The reason we engage in Holy Week and the Worship of the Mass in Word and Sacrament is the love that we have for our God and our need of Him in our lives.

That said, it takes a community to make these pointed and disciplined times of openness to the Spirit of God (and his salvation) a possibility.

Thank you for everyone’s participation this week in worship: those that faithfully attended, our altar guild, crucifers, eucharist ministers, wardens, musicians, choir, soundboard techs, dramatic readers, our church fellowship food directors and providers, all those who contributed to our Easter Dinner, lectors, Kia – cleaning, and Pat Meyer, our Office Administrator.

The Lord gave us a wonderous Holy Week, the Feast of the Resurrection, and now the continuing Easter Season.

Alleluia! He has risen.

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

Wednesday, 5:00 PM, New Member/Confirmation Inquiry Class

Get them before they get “repurposed”. There are several nice dishes that have been set out on the table nearest the windows in the Parish Hall. Help us return them to their proper homes.