St. Matthew’s Good News – 5/12/2023

We finished our last session of the Inquirer’s Class, and had a blessed time of learning and fellowship together. About 14 people in total consistently attended our classes, and there are 5 of the class who are considering reception or confirmation.

I decided to use the categories on our Diocesan Website as the main headings for the class. Each session lasted an hour and a half. Below are some highlights of what we covered:

Section I – We are Christians. (1 class)

  • Introductions, Approach, and Information gathering.
  • Intro to the Gospel (letter)
  • Creation-Fall-Redemption-New Creation (handout)
  • The Establishment of the Covenant People of God (Abraham)
  • Oral Tradition – Narrative Stories in Family and Community settings
  • The Recording and Writing of Holy Scripture
  • Jesus – The Gospel
  • Jesus – The Kingdom of God

Section II – We are Catholics. (2 classes)

  • Three Main Catholic bodies today: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Anglican Communion.
  • From Apostles to Church Fathers (Authority to establish, develop, and protect the Doctrine and Unity of the Church)
  • Orthodoxy: If Christianity is anything, then Christianity is nothing.
  • Three-fold offices of ordained clergy (Deacon-Presbyter-Bishop)
  • Holy Communion and the Liturgy – Sarum Rite, developed from earlier liturgies.
  • The Sacraments
  • The Christian Year
  • The Offices and Spiritual Disciplines

Section III – We are Anglican. (3 classes)

  • The Reformation
  • The English Reformation
  • Archbishop of Canterbury and Anglican Authority
  • Without authority and consequences, there will be no developing or lasting unity in any tradition, anywhere, or at any time in human history.

Section IV – We are Episcopalian. (2 classes)

  • History and Development
  • Characteristics: Strength and Weakness
  • Our Historic Moorings guiding us forward

Section V – We are St. Matthew’s (1 class)

  • Worship Together at St. Matthew’s
  • Learn Together at St. Matthew’s
  • Live Together at St. Matthew’s
  • Serve Together at St. Matthew’s
  • Being Received or Confirmed at St. Matthew’s
    • Our reception and confirmation liturgy and the commitment to Jesus and His Church
    • Meeting for an interview for questions and clarifications with Father Tom.
    • Bishop’s presence and celebration of Holy Communion on Sunday, July 2nd.

If anyone would like a more detailed Syllabus of what was covered in each class, I would be glad to provide it.

I would greatly enjoy running this class again soon! Let me know if you are interested.

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

Saturday, May 13th, Men’s Breakfast, 8 AM to mid-day, in the Parish Hall

May, June, July The Salvation Army has a long history of helping families in need. Right now the Army is stressing the overwhelming need in McLean County for food. We can help by donating items such as: spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, macaroni, tune fish, cereal, soup, canned corn, rice, coffee, tea, salad dressing, canned fruit, flour, sugar, and salt. Please bring your donations to church, and the Outreach Committee will convey them to our local Army headquarters. Thanks so much!

We welcome you to a special Service of Holy Communion on May 18th at Noon in the Sanctuary. Please mark your calendar as we cap the Season of Easter on this glorious note.