St. Matthew’s Good News – 6/10/2022

A Word from Father Tom

Now that we are back to a cautious but more normal way of operating as a church, we are noticing several needs. A big thank you to all who responded and joined as lectors for Sunday services as well as multiple other areas.

In our Rite II service (10:00 AM) we are in need of regular crucifers. A crucifer is someone who displays and cares for our processional cross, honoring the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation that he has secured for us. At this point, I have asked several people to fill in as crucifers from time to time, but these are people who are already wearing 2-3 other “hats” in the church. Currently, we only have two crucifers, and they understandably would like to worship with their families and others on Sundays from time to time.

In addition, we are heading into a season in our church life where we will need assistance from Lay Eucharistic Ministers who are specially tasked with assisting the priest at the altar and distributing the elements (wine) as people come to receive. We have several people that have been trained to do this, and we take this position seriously, but, again, so many of them are already engaged in many other areas of our church life. It is also possible that we will revive our acolyte ministry on Sundays as well.

Other areas of need are:

  • People to handle our sound/media during the service (mics, etc.)
  • Voices for Cantor and/or a coming ensemble
  • Assistance for projects in the office, including counting money, helping with mailers, editing materials, etc.

We are also hopeful that our men’s and women’s breakfasts start back up, and that these would encourage more relational introduction and interaction with those in our church, and possibly in the greater community.

Later this summer we are looking to begin conversations regarding future ministry and outreach as we consider our gifts as a parish, the working of the Holy Spirit in our midst, and the context and needs of the Bloomington-Normal area where we can bring the light and gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please be praying for God’s leading and our future as a parish. His plan is that whatever your gifts, time, and energy you will be actively involved in service to Christ’s Church and His Kingdom!

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class

Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, June 18th at 8:00 AM. Gather for a great meal and renew (or make new) friendships.

Tolkien Reading Group June 12th at 6:00 PM in the Parish hall.

Fr. Tom’s Process: The process for reception of Fr. Tom continues to progress. As set forth in a prior Newsletter, the first step is the reception of Fr. Tom as an Episcopal priest. After weeks of research and discussions by Diocesan leadership, St. Matthew’s Vestry received the form and language for three endorsements for Fr. Tom. These documents require the signatures of two-thirds of Vestry members that believe he is worthy of being received as a Deacon and a Priest in the Episcopal Church. The Deacon sub-step is in compliance with Canon 8 Sec. 6 which requires that a candidate be first ordained as a Deacon before becoming a Priest. Thanks to those of you who provided comments to Vestry members regarding the process. Such signatures have been secured from the required majority of Vestry at the meeting this week and from Vestry members unable to attend the meeting. Copies of the executed documents are posted in the Parish Hall outside of the church office. Details now rest with the Diocese to complete its steps and set the date for Fr. Tom’s reception. Once Fr. Tom is received as an Episcopal Priest, he will be able to perform sacramental duties alleviating our need for supply clergy. In addition, Vestry will continue work with the Diocese to determine the requirements and timing of the steps thereafter.

Supply: This Sunday, June 12, we will have Communion with Reserve with Rev Christine Hopkins, Emmanuel Memorial (Champaign) as our supply clergy. Please thank Deacon Christine for her generous service to St. Matthews!

Men’s Breakfast: The re-launch of Men’s Breakfast will be on June 18, at 8:00 am and hosted by Jim Cooper. Please let Jim or the office know plan to kick off Father’s Day weekend with us and join in the fellowship. So who will wear the pink apron (now with lace)….

SWOT Exercise: Vestry is currently building the research and data needed for future planning. We are currently at the stage of collecting input on the strengths, challenges, opportunities, and threats for St. Matthew’s Church. If you would like to participate, please connect with a member of Vestry during the month of June.

Women’s Breakfast: In anticipation of re-launching the Women’s Breakfast, please join us on Saturday, July 9 at 8:30 a.m. The only thing required of you is your presence. The Men of the Church will be doing the cooking and cleaning up afterwards. Oh my, what a treat that will be!  Please sign up on the hallway bulletin board to be included on July 9th.