St. Matthew’s Good News – 6/9/2023

A tree is always growing.

Recently, I took two seeds from the Maple tree in my front yard and planted them in a container. They are now seedlings that are growing well. I have a Silver Maple tree in my backyard that is starting to show its age, and I am hoping that in time one of these seedlings will become a sapling which, in turn, will replace this Silver Maple someday.

When a tree is young, it is easy to see its progress. However, once it is established, the tree does not stop growing. Healthy maturity continues whether it is easily noticed or not. What becomes clear is the stability and strength of the tree as it weathers storms, produces fruit, or provides continuous lush shade.

The Season after Pentecost (ordinary time) reminds us that living things grow. They produce fruit and reflect the health or decline of any living organism. Churches are similar. They are always growing or declining no matter what others’ opinions or postures. Measuring spiritual and “kingdom of God” growth is only discerned over time by those convinced that reflection and spiritual discernment are essential to faithful ministry and life.

Sometimes numerical growth can reflect healthy growth; sometimes it doesn’t. Often in church life, people respond as seeds that have been planted in rich but thin soil. When the summer heat is at its peak, they wilt and decline. As Jesus revealed in the parable of the soils, faithful discipleship to Jesus as Lord is only discerned wisely by those who take the long view to conversion growth.

Let us open our hearts to the teaching of our Lord so that we as his body can organically reach out with healthy and full branches to others around us. May we produce leaves that are green and thriving. Let us give the cooling shade of the Gospel of Jesus to those blistered by the heat of confusion, fear, and selfish living. May our lives and growth in him blindingly reveal the character, love, and callings of our Lord in our everyday lives. Let us remove those idols and our own selfishness so that the Holy Spirit has freedom in our hearts to be shaped by his ways and leading.

In this “season of growth” let us live and thrive.

Ft Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, May 10th at 8:00 AM in Parish Hall.

We are having a Men’s Breakfast at St. Matthew’s on Saturday (5/10/23) at 8:00am. If you are available, please join us for food, fun and fellowship and bring a friend!

May, June, July. The Salvation Army has a long history of helping families in need. Right now the Army is stressing the overwhelming need in McLean County for food. We can help by donating items such as: spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, macaroni, tune fish, cereal, soup, canned corn, rice, coffee, tea, salad dressing, canned fruit, flour, sugar, and salt. Please bring your donations to church, and the Outreach Committee will convey them to our local Army headquarters. Thanks so much!

The Diocese of Springfield offers summer activities for all ages. Episcopal Summer Camp (for those entering 1st – 12th grades) is June 18-24. Cursillo (for anyone age18+) happens July 13-16. For information about these activities, go to the Diocesan website at