St. Matthew’s Good News – 7/1/2022

A Word from Father Tom

I am delighted to let you know that I had my meeting on Tuesday with the Commission on Ministry, and have now been given the “all clear” from the Diocese in regards to the transfer of my ordination into the Episcopal Church. My service of reception will be held here in our sanctuary on Thursday, July 14th, at 6 PM. My first Sunday as a celebrant will be Sunday, July 17th.

Thank you for your overwhelming interest, prayers, and support for my reception process which has not always felt ideal. Karen and I both believe that our Lord Jesus Christ has called us here to St Matthew’s, and we are looking forward to many years ahead serving alongside you as we share life together as a Covenant Community and reach out with the Gospel to the greater Bloomington-Normal area.

I would also like to thank Bishop Daniel Martins, previous Assisting Bishop, Paul Lambert, our current Bishop, Brian Burgess, Canon Mark Evans, Dean Andy Hook, and both the Commission on Ministry and the Standing Committee for their part in my reception. I am thankful to be a priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Springfield.

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM

Women’s Breakfast
Saturday, July 9 at 8:30 AM in Parish Hall.

A reminder that Episcopal Church Camp will be at East Bay Camp in Hudson, IL from July 3-9, 2022 for children entering grades 2-12. More information can be found at Episcopal Church Camp – Diocese of Springfield (

Mark your calendars for the 2022 Cursillo weekend Retreat July 28-31, 2022 at Toddhall Retreat Center in Columbia, IL. More information and the application can be found at Cursillo – Diocese of Springfield (

SWOT Exercise: Vestry is currently building the research and data needed for future planning. We are currently at the stage of collecting input on the strengths, challenges, opportunities, and threats for St. Matthew’s Church. If you would like to participate, please connect with a member of Vestry during the month of June.

Women’s Breakfast: In anticipation of re-launching the Women’s Breakfast, please join us on Saturday, July 9 at 8:30 a.m. The only thing required of you is your presence. The Men of the Church will be doing the cooking and cleaning up afterward. Oh my, what a treat that will be!  Please sign up on the hallway bulletin board to be included on July 9th.