St. Matthew’s Good News – 7/15/2022

A Word from Father Tom

A special word of thanks to everyone that made the reception service and fellowship last night such a memorable event. The Lord blessed us greatly as we worshiped him in Word and Sacrament. It was also a great blessing to welcome Bishop Burgess and Canon Evans to be with us and lead the service.

Karen and I were so overwhelmed by your presence and support, and last night felt like a reception service for ALL of us. We also appreciated the kind outpouring from those who were unable to attend, and from the many guests who honored us with their attendance.

I look forward to celebrating Mass with you this Sunday and for many years to come.

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM

Outreach Lunch
Sunday, July 17 following 10 AM service

Outreach Lunch: Following the 10:00AM service on Sunday, July 17, the Outreach Committee invites the congregation to a special luncheon to celebrate Father Tom’s first Communion with us, and to hear a first-hand report on the “Resiliency Gardens Project” in Poland for which St Matt’s provided the initial seed money.