St. Matthew’s Good News – 7/8/2022

A Word from Father Tom

The service of reception of my ordination into the Episcopal Church will be held in our sanctuary on Thursday, July 14th, at 6 PM (a cake fellowship will follow the service). My first Sunday as celebrant will be Sunday, July 17th. I will then be a fully vested Episcopal Priest with no limitations to my calling, scope of ministry, and authority.

That said, it was decided by the Bishop and The Standing Committee that my designation as clergy at St. Matthew’s will be “Priest in Charge”. There has already been some questions and confusion about this, so let me clarify how the “Priest in Charge” designation differs from that of “Rector” in three main ways:

  • Firstly, I am viewed by our Canons on some level as being placed at the Parish of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church by our Bishop (although, there will still need to be a vote and call to ministry by our Vestry)
  • Secondly, my ministry will have a bit more oversight from the Bishop than a Rector (often coming through the Canon of the Ordinary)
  • Lastly, my initial three-year contract with St. Matthew’s will be more temporal in nature with the possibility of being named Rector when it expires.

As I understand it, the designation seems to have been chosen due to the uniqueness of my process of coming into the Episcopal Church. I want to reiterate, though, that beyond the limits of a priest’s status by these three things, I will be limited in no way in serving you or being a full Episcopal Priest.

Following my reception service, the Vestry will meet on Saturday, July 16th to vote on my call as your priest. If confirmed, my contract will be sent to the Bishop for final approval.

Your continuing prayers and support are greatly appreciated!

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM

Women’s Breakfast
Saturday, July 9 at 8:30 AM in Parish Hall.

Outreach Lunch
Sunday, July 17 following 10 AM service

Women’s Breakfast: In anticipation of re-launching the Women’s Breakfast, please join us on Saturday, July 9 at 8:30 a.m. The only thing required of you is your presence. The Men of the Church will be doing the cooking and cleaning up afterward. Oh my, what a treat that will be!  Please sign up on the hallway bulletin board to be included on July 9th.

Outreach Lunch: Following the 10:00AM service on Sunday, July 17, the Outreach Committee invites the congregation to a special luncheon to celebrate Father Tom’s first Communion with us, and to hear a first-hand report on the “Resiliency Gardens Project” in Poland for which St Matt’s provided the initial seed money.