St. Matthew’s Good News – 9/2/2022

A Word from Father Tom

Prov 3:5-8
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

How do we “acknowledge”, or better “know”, God in all of our ways? It begins by engaging our beginnings: We were made Him, He wants to know us, and through Christ and the Holy Spirit we are able to do so. But knowing God means including Him and His priorities in every aspect of our lives. This takes effort, but even before that, it takes desire; it takes “want to”.

So, what happens when we intimately desire and welcome the Lord into every area of life possible; When we pursue our God in all of His goodness? He gives us direction. He goes before us and leads us to lasting hope, joy, and peace. What do we lose by taking the wheel of our lives, while asking him to get into the back seat (our out of the automobile altogether?) We will look at this next time in our final article on this poignant passage.

Ft. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM

As Christians, we are asked to feed the hungry. Here’s how you can help: In August, September, and October The Outreach Committee will collect and deliver food and nonfood items for the Home Sweet Home Mission, which feeds and shelters people in need. We are asking for regular-sized items for the Mission’s Bread for Life Food Coop, where the needy can shop, and large or even bulk-sized items for the Mission’s kitchen. Here’s HSH’s needs list:

FOOD: canned chicken; cooking oil; low sodium items, such as soups and veggies; canned pasta; jelly; boxed meals, such as Hamburger Helper; brown rice; bottled water; 100% juice; Glucerna

NONFOOD: toilet paper; paper towels; dish detergent; bleach or disinfectant; plain notebooks.

Thanks so much for your generosity. -The Outreach Committee

We are in search of new volunteers as well as people that may be in need of our services. We are a not-for-profit organization helping those in need obtain gently used furniture. Recycling Furniture for Families has been privileged to serve almost 25,000 men, women and children since 2002. We continue to serve the individuals and families of McLean County who are in need of those basic household items that most of us take for granted. If you are aware of anyone that may be interested in our services or willing to help our cause, please feel free to contact us. Thank you so much for your time!

Haleigh Marriott, Office Manager
Recycling Furniture for Families
515 N. Center St., Bloomington, IL 61701
Ph: 309-829-6500, Fax: 309-820-0319