St. Matthew’s Good News – 9/23/2022

Word from Father Tom

I am glad to announce that after many months of discussion, planning, and re-writes we have begun our search for a new organist-choirmaster position. Special thanks to Julie Cooper who was a key part of this process. Julie has also filled in admirably overseeing our music program while the right timing for hiring this position revealed itself. Under my oversight, she has also been selecting thoughtful and familiar service music and hymns for our services. I also want to thank Matthew Clarke for his consistency and dedication as our Interim Organist. Matthew has done a wonderful job, and it has been our pleasure to be a part of his journey as he continues to seek full-time employment in Orchestral Direction.

I also want to thank Matthew Clarke, Karel Lowery, and others who served (and will continue to serve) as advisers through this process. I have also recently received some wonderful help and support from Sarah Webber, the Music Director at Christ the King Episcopal Church in Normal, IL.

The details of our search and the candidate that we are looking for can be found on our website by clicking on this link: Organist-Choirmaster Wanted

Dear Father, we thank you for the gift of music, the ability to praise you through song, and the many gifts and talents that you give us to engage and be strengthened by them. We pray that you would even now be preparing the way for our new Music Director and that you would soften their heart to your ends. We ask all of this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM

As Christians, we are asked to feed the hungry. Here’s how you can help: In August, September, and October The Outreach Committee will collect and deliver food and nonfood items for the Home Sweet Home Mission, which feeds and shelters people in need. We are asking for regular-sized items for the Mission’s Bread for Life Food Coop, where the needy can shop, and large or even bulk-sized items for the Mission’s kitchen. Here’s HSH’s needs list:

FOOD: canned chicken; cooking oil; low sodium items, such as soups and veggies; canned pasta; jelly; boxed meals, such as Hamburger Helper; brown rice; bottled water; 100% juice; Glucerna

NONFOOD: toilet paper; paper towels; dish detergent; bleach or disinfectant; plain notebooks.

Thanks so much for your generosity. -The Outreach Committee