What does it mean to be wise? The Scriptures tell us that someone can be intelligent, educated, wealthy, or prestigious, but lack wisdom. Fools come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. In the past, I have challenged people considering Christianity to read the book of Proverbs. Proverbs is “wisdom literature”. It makes statements based on truths garnered by watching the repeated actions of people and their connection (or disconnection) to the very character of God. In time, we humans always reveal our true selves.
In this week’s Gospel reading (Matthew 21:23-32), we are confronted with a story where Jesus chooses to be cagey with the Jewish leaders who he knows have come to entrap him. They want him dead and gone. But the timing for Jesus and his redemptive work on the cross is not right, so Jesus chooses to be wise instead of simple. God calls us to turn from being simpletons and instead, be wise. To stay simple is to choose to have an “arrested development”; to stay childish and ignorant so as to avoid the complexity and the pain of maturity. Simplicity may seem easier, but in the end, it brings harm and consequences to everyone it touches. Wisdom brings light and life.
The Book of Proverbs largely lays out three different kinds of people; those who are wise, fools, or scoffers. God calls us to seek after Him, and in doing so, seek out wisdom. Things end badly for fools and scoffers. The wise walk in the ways of Jesus.
See you Sunday!
Father Tom
Last Sunday Check and Edit the “Working Directory”
This is the last Sunday (Oct. 1st) – please make your corrections and/or additions. There are several people who have attended occasionally over the last year who may not be included in this directory yet. Please write in your contact information or send it to the office if would like to be added to the directory.
Choir Organization and Development
The Choir is now meeting regularly on Wednesdays at 4:30 PM up in the choir/organ loft, to practice for the coming Sunday and beyond. Please contact our new Choirmaster, Ann Hammond if you are interested in singing in the Choir or if another practice time might make it easier for you to participate.
Evensong is canceled for this Sunday Evening. We will resume our worship on Sunday Evening, October 8th at 5:30 PM.